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Admissions Process


We look forward to meeting you and telling you more about our school!

Please don’t hesitate to call our office for more information–(925) 689-6910.


Step One: School Visit 

We schedule School Visits almost every week to give you an opportunity to find out more about our school. Call or email to schedule a School Visit.


Step Two: Application 

Turn in an application with a $75 application fee. If you would like your child to start soon, and we have space, we will schedule an Interview as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will place your child on our Waiting List.

Step 3: Interview

When space becomes available in the classroom, the classroom teacher will meet with you and your child. We want to hear more about your child, and what you are looking for in a school. The teacher will consider your child’s readiness for our Montessori program.


We begin interviews in February for children who would be starting either in our first Summer Session or in September. Mid-year admissions are dependent upon available space.

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